Throughout the world, people have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and in most cases, they are seen posting images of being stuck at the home wearing face masks. Like any other field, the education field has also been affected by many institutions of higher learning being closed down to control the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Higher education has been hit hard by the closure of institutions and the major question has been whether students will resume learning after the pandemic.
The problem started with a low number of students attending schools, to fears of schools being closed down and the closures have since been realized in many countries. The question on whether students will be able to resume learning after the pandemic has been fueled by a number of reasons that include and not limited to;
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- Financial difficulties
It is a common phenomenon that during this quarantine time, families are spending their savings on food and the basic necessities. A lot of work has stopped and earning stopped, which means that their savings are not being replenished. Therefore, there has been a question as to whether they will afford to pay school fees after they have spent all they had on ensuring that they stay safe from the COVID -19 pandemic. In this case, people are optimistic that institutions of higher learning will be considerate enough to understand that they would be willing to pay and to accommodate them as they make arrangements on payment procedures.
- Health concerns
After the pandemic, the major concern might also be on whether everyone is okay. As a result, institutions will be careful in observing hygiene to ensure that all students are safe and that they are monitored not to have any signs of illness.
- Crowd Phobia
With the current situation, everyone is advised to maintain a social distance. This is a major issue for learning institutions ad students have to do a lot together. People are currently afraid of crowded places and close contact with even their neighbors. Institutions of higher learning can find better learning processes where students will not need to be in contact with each other until the world can be totally safe from the COVID-19 virus.
- Assignments
Students that are continuing with studies must have had a lot of work and be able to do online studies at home to ensure that they do not fall back on studies. It will be therefore necessary for the institutions of learning to go through all the covered lessons or learning materials as a continued guide.
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Students at home understand that the learning continues, as, after the pandemic, they will still have a lot to cover, toward the achievement of their educational goals. Therefore, assignments from school and the online classes have to be completed and submitted in accordance with the school regulations. With a little help, it is possible to meet all your assignments deadlines and to ensure that your grade is not affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Get your help from a team of professors ready to work with you and improve your grades by visiting us here.